Joe Bridges, you're on the web! This is your very own homepage. You currently share it with Jason Hicks and David Trammell. Others may come and go, but Joe, you said you'd be around to help me for life. I sure do appreciate you! Jason and David, I hope you stick around!
I made it to thank you for all you do. It is for Mike Hume, too, without whom this web page would not be here, even though he's not here anymore. (Not dead--just changed jobs. Well, he might be dead--I dunno.) He took such good care of me in regards to annhilating any boredom I might have. This Web TV and remote CD-I video game--all Phillips Magnavox seemingly made just for me.
And Kevin Cunningham--who sold me this 43" Mitsubishi picture tube TV with pic-in-pic and external stereo speakers. On August 23, 1997, he came out to my house because I called and said my external speakers just quit working. He drove 15 miles across town to discover--I had hit the "tape" button on the remote. In essence, I had hit "mute." Durn brain injury. Wasn't that sweet of him? They understand how stupid and confused I can get over something so silly.
For all you travelers on this D.A. trip, congratulations! You have found the mystery page. You know what to do and what you'll get as I told you when you started. If you have no idea what this refers to, click here to find out.
So "Thank you" Phillips Magnavox and Mike, Kevin, Joe, David and
Jason from Colony Home Entertainment near the Battlefield Mall in Springfield, Missouri. I really depend on you
for saving my sanity (what there is of it).
Places to go on the web.
D.A. Watters
Springfield, MO 65802
United States